International Summit on Smart World and Smart Cities
In Conjunction With 2017 IEEE Smart World Congress
Aug 4, 2017 – Aug 8, 2017
San Francisco, Bay Area, USA
The IEEE Smart World Congress originated from the 2005 Workshop on Ubiquitous Smart Worlds (USW, Taipei) and the 2005 Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Smart World (UISW, Nagasaki). SmartWorld 2017 in San Francisco is the next edition after the successful SmartWorld 2016 in Toulouse France and SmartWorld 2015 in Beijing China. SmartWorld 2017 is to provide a high-profile, leading-edge platform for researchers and engineers to exchange and explore state-of-art advances and innovations in graceful integrations of Cyber, Physical, Social, and Thinking Worlds for the theme